Choose The Best Course for You

Texas Ticket Dismissal

Satisfies Requirements for Texas Court-Ordered Ticket Dismissal and Defensive Driving

Virginia Driver Improvement Clinic

Approved Driver Improvement Course for Virginia Ticket Reduction

Colorado Defensive Driving

Satisfies Requirements for Colorado Court-Ordered Ticket Dismissal and Defensive Driving


Our mission is to provide our customers with the most complete and effective course possible. Our program will not only satisfy your court-ordered ticket dismissal, it will make you a safer driver for life. University studies have proven our courses and methods of teaching reduce the chance of a collision and produce safer drivers at any experience level. No scheduled class times, no forms to turn in, and waiting to receive your certificate. Simply enroll in the course and reach the end at your own pace. Need to take a break? No problem! Our system tracks your progress, so you can always pick up right from where you left off and your course will not expire.



We wrote the book on driver education and safety training, and we've played a major roll in bringing the first driver's education online course. State officials continue to consult our staff concerning policies and regulations. All courses are state-approved and recognized by insurance companies.


Work at Your Own Pace

Ticket offers drivers safety programs that can be done online with your PC, Mac, tablet or phone. All of our courses can be done at the coffee shop, the local park, or from your home. It all works! Getting tired of working on the PC? Log off and continue with your phone right from your back yard. Over the years, Ticket has maneuvered appropriately to meet the needs of all students needing to complete driver education. When Ticket was first established, our curriculum was throughly built for book format. In the past 2 decades, we have put our research to work and have developed a state-of-art program to meet the needs of our ever-growing technology and video delivery methods. Download our IOS or Android apps from the App Store or Google Play Store store today!


Our Team

Even though our cours is 100% online, we believe in the value of people. That's why we have our helpdesk support team available to answer any questions you may have. We won't make you jump through hoops to speak with a representative. Call us Monday-Friday, 8 am - 5 pm (CST) and speak to a real person who can help you with what you need.